Wynn Nature Center

A boreal forest sanctuary

Immerse yourself in the sights and smells of the boreal forest. Search for upland and forest birds along more than five miles of trail, including viewing platforms, an interpretive center, and ADA-accessible boardwalks. The Carl E. Wynn Foundation donated this 140-acre wildlife preserve to The Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies in 1990 to preserve wildlife habitat and to support environmental education and stewardship.

Visit Wynn Nature Center

More than five miles of trails and an interpretive cabin are available to explore on your own or through guided hikes and programs offered seasonally.

  • Mid-June through Labor Day

    The Visitor Center is open daily from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

    Dogs are not allowed during the summer due to wildlife activity.

    Members and donors are provided free admission, and non-members are charged a small fee to support trail maintenance educational programs.

  • October 1 - May 31

    The Visitor Center has limited hours in the off season.

    Trail use in the winter is free. Join us on Sundays at 1:00 pm for our Wynnter Sundays event series, where we provide free activities for families to explore winter ecology.

Guided Hikes

Guided hikes are available in the morning and afternoon during summer hours. Discover an abundance of wildflowers and look for birds along the trail as you discover the wonders of the boreal forest.

Youth Programs

Our summer programs provide outdoor educational opportunities for all ages. Explore our offerings and find out which program fits your interests.

The Gateway to the Ridge

Located in a renovated homesteading cabin, the Carl E. Wynn Visitor Center serves both the Wynn Nature Center and Inspiration Ridge Preserve. The Visitor Center is nestled on the edge of the woods where our knowledgable Naturalists lead guided hikes, programs, and winter excursions to explore Kachemak Bay's forest ecosystems. 

  • Stop in to explore the homesteading history of the Visitor Center, and learn about seasonal educational programs and guided hikes at the Wynn Nature Center and Inspiration Ridge Preserve.

  • The Carl E. Wynn Visitor Center operates from a renovated homestead cabin, where the Bellamy family made their home in Alaska's homesteading era (approximately. 1910s-1960s). In the mid-1960s, Carl E. Wynn purchased the property to include what would eventually be the Wynn Nature Center. Local artisans hired by Mr. & Mrs. Wynn built the cabin, and they lived therein while constructing their much larger house across the road. Once local master artisans finished Wynn's three-story cedar log home, named NorthWynn, the Wynn family turned the cabin into accommodations for Bert and Virginia Hume, their caretakers.

    After Mr. After Wynn's death, the Wynn Foundation deeded the cabin and the surrounding 4 acres to the Humes. It was a private inholding in the middle of the Wynn Nature Center property until 2019, when the Wynn Foundation supported the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies' acquisition of the cabin, reuniting it with the rest of the Wynn Nature Center. Over the next three years, local master carpenters and subcontractors of Right Angle Enterprises renovated the exterior and interior. They turned the property into a beautiful education and interpretation space, leaving the original murals and cabin spaces untouched.

  • The majority of our summer youth programs take place at the Daisy Lee Bitter Outdoor Learning Space; located just up the road, and a hikeable distance from the Visitor Center. Named for the late Daisy Lee Bitter, the Outdoor Learning Space consists of an interpretive cabin, a covered pavilion, handicapped-accessible boardwalks, and is connected to the broader Wynn Nature Center trail system.

Learn more about Wynn Nature Center


The Carl E. Wynn Nature Center is located at 62890 Skyline Drive, Homer, Alaska.

  • You can reach the Pioneer Avenue/East End Road/Lake Street 3-way intersection from the west on Pioneer Avenue or from the south from Lake Street (which connects to the Sterling Highway at its south end). Turn right from Lake Street onto East End Road or go straight if you are on Pioneer Avenue. Turn left on East Hill Road (At the turn, a dentist/doctor office will be on your left and you will see a school ahead of you on the right). Wind on switchback turns up to the top of East Hill Road where it is intersected by West Skyline coming in on your left. You are now on East Skyline Road heading east towards the head of the Bay. Enjoy spectacular views of the bay for the next 1.4 miles when you will see the sign and parking lot for Carl E. Wynn Visitor Center on your left.

  • When approaching from the north (Anchorage or Seward) on Sterling Highway: Turn left on Pioneer Avenue, the main road through downtown Homer. Go east through town and through a 3-way intersection at Lake Street. Lake Stree becomes East End Road. Continue approximately one mile past the intersection. Turn left on East Hill Road (At the turn, a dentist/doctor office will be on your left and you will see a school ahead of you on the right.). Wind on switchback turns up to the top of East Hill Road where it is intersected by West Skyline coming in on your left. You are now on East Skyline Road heading east towards the head of the Bay. Enjoy spectacular views of the bay for the next 1.4 miles when you will see the sign and parking lot for Carl E. Wynn Visitor Center on your left.