Our Mission

Our mission is to foster responsible interaction with our natural surroundings and to generate knowledge of the unique marine and coastal ecosystems of Kachemak Bay through science-based environmental education and stewardship.

Our Goals

  • To provide effective experience-based field science instruction to Alaska residents and visitors, with youth as the primary audience.

    To provide the public and decision-makers with science-based information on critical environmental issues.

  • To serve as a model of land management and environmental education that balances human use with protection of coastal environments.

    To inspire citizens to make decisions and take actions that promote the health and integrity of ecosystems.

    To engage citizens and students in the process of science through acquisition of scientific data that is needed to monitor the long-term processes and health of coastal ecosystems.

  • Since 1984, our annual Kachemak Bay CoastWalk event unites more than 500 volunteers behind environmental monitoring and stewardship.

  • We deliver educational programs and guided tours to over 12,000 students and visitors every year.

  • With more than 350 members, our supporters help promote environmental education and stewardship in Kachemak Bay and beyond.

Our locations