
The Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies conserves and stewards more than 800 acres of critical wildlife habitat across Kachemak Bay, including our Wynn Nature Preserve, Inspiration Ridge Preserve, and Peterson Bay Field Station.

Our conservation efforts allow us to model land management, environmental education, and ecological monitoring efforts designed to support healthy communities where people and wildlife thrive together.

Scientific inquiry and environmental monitoring are essential tools to empower people to make informed decisions around natural resource management.

Our conserved lands across Kachemak Bay provide outdoor classrooms where people can learn and connect with the coastal ecosystems that help provide healthy food, clean air and water, as well as a myriad of ecosystem services.

Learn more about our conservation efforts

Make a gift

Your gift allows us to preserve and maintain special places throughout Kachemak Bay, protecting watersheds and critical wildlife habitat. These locations are also hubs for outdoor learning, inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards.

Thank you for your support!

Our locations