Discovering Wynn Nature Center

Smell the freshness of the spruce forest, gaze at wildflowers and watch for the appearance of moose, bear, lynx, and songbirds on this 140-acre wildlife preserve. This former homestead was donated to the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies in 1990 by the Carl E. Wynn Foundation. We care for and steward the land in accord with the late Carl Wynn's wishes.

The Carl E. Wynn Nature Center is located on a paved road at 1.4 mile East Skyline Drive along the bluffs overlooking Homer, and is well-known for the abundant wildflowers that bloom continuously throughout the summer. Signs of wildlife can be seen on the trails throughout the year. The diverse upland habitats encompassed by the Nature Center support several different plant communities typical of the transitional forest zone at the southern edge of the northern boreal forest.

A hike at Wynn Nature Center provides an interesting comparison with a hike through the northern edge of the coastal forest on the Peterson Bay Field Station trail system. The Wynn Nature Center is one of the "birding hot spots" in the Homer area for forest and upland birds.

Facilities include a paved parking lot, the Carl E. Wynn Visitor Center, the Daisy Lee Bitter Outdoor Learning Space, a covered pavilion, 800 feet of handicapped-accessible boardwalk including a trail for the visually impaired, a trail system with over 5 miles of trails, two viewing platforms, benches for resting along many of the trails, a staff yurt and a large deck off of the visitor cabin.

The trail system makes up a small portion of the 140 acres of land that comprises the Wynn Nature Center. The rest of the property is managed as a wildlife refuge and provides an important undeveloped migration corridor for moose and black bears.


Wynn Nature Center Admission & Guided Hikes


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