Coastwalk Education

Get your students involved in real science that makes a difference by participating in Kachemak Bay CoastWalk.

Our educators will bring hands-on activities to your classroom to illustrate the biodiversity of Kachemak Bay, the value of our marine habitats, and the human impact on marine life. Special emphasis is placed on the problem of marine debris on Alaska beaches, with activities to train students on how to collect marine debris data during clean-ups. 

Following the classroom visit, we can help arrange a CoastWalk citizen science monitoring and marine debris clean-up field trip.

Over 400 students from the lower Kenai Peninsula participate in CoastWalk education programs and beach clean-ups every year.

Program length: Classroom activity (1-2 hours); beach clean-up field trip (2 hours)

Program dates: September

Program price: Free, thanks to NOAA Marine Debris Program

Booking: Call (907) 235-6741 to request a CoastWalk education program or visit our Booking Page


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